Restricted countries


The services provided by are not available in all geographic areas and are subject to applicable terms and conditions. does not provide services to citizens of the United States, the Russian Federation non-EU residents. You can view the full list of restricted countries here. If you are a citizen or resident of any of the above-mentioned countries, please refrain from using our services. strictly adheres to regulatory requirements and has implemented measures to prevent access to its services from these jurisdictions.

Restricted countries list:

  • Abkhazia

  • Afghanistan

  • Albania

  • Barbados

  • Botswana

  • Cambodia

  • Crimea

  • Cuba

  • Donetsk National Republic (DNR)

  • Gaza Strip

  • Haiti

  • Iran

  • Iraq

  • Jamaica

  • Kashmir

  • Libya

  • Luhansk National Republic (LNR)

  • Mongolia

  • Myanmar

  • Nagorno Karabakh

  • Nicaragua

  • North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea)

  • Pakistan

  • Palestine

  • Senegal

  • Russia

  • Somalia

  • South Ossetia

  • South Sudan

  • Syria

  • Trinidad and Tobago

  • USA

  • Uganda

  • Vanuatu

  • West Bank

  • Yemen

Last updated