Locus Staked token (stLocus)

An overview of stLocus token.

What is stLocus?

The stLocus token offers staking rewards and serving as a governance token. The staking incentives involve a linear emission, starting at approximately 12% APR and gradually decreasing over 10 years to 6% APR.

How do I get stLocus?

stLocus cannot be bought or sold, it can only be obtained by converting Locus to stLocus on the staking page. Also, to then sell the token, it will need to be converted from stLocus to Locus first. These processes are called staking and unstaking.

Thus, to get stLocus you need to stake the Locus token. Buy Locus, then go to the staking locus page and click "Stake"

Where can I see stLocus rewards?

Staking rewards will be automatically added to your "staked" balance daily.

How do I withdraw/unstake?

stLocus cannot be traded directly, to trade it you have to unstake stLocus to Locus, this can be done on the staking page.

Unstaking and Exit fee

In the unstaking window, you will see 3 fields - the amount of locus tokens you are going to unstake, the period of unstaking, and the amount of tokens you receive.

The amount of tokens received after unstaking depends on the selected unstaking period:

  • 30 days - no exit fee

  • in 14 days - 25% exit fee

  • in 7 days - 37.5% exit fee

  • Instant unstake - 50% exit fee

If unstaking is confirmed, tokens will be locked for the selected period ceasing to yield any return and cannot be used for voting. Unstaking cannot be canceled after confirmation.

The deducted exit fee is burned from the circulation supply and serves as the price balancing mechanism protecting long-term holders' intentions from the aggressive volatility of those who want to extract profit.

Check your Remaining time to unstake stLOCUS

Picture I
Picture II

Once you confirm the staking period, you can check the remaining date to unstake your stLOCUS token by clicking on the top right corner as shown in the screenshots for the picture I. Picture II for a remaining date. Governance

The stLocus token functions as a governance token for the protocol, enabling users to vote on proposals. Governance responsibilities encompass decisions related to treasury management, adjusting emission rates for indexes, voting for the inclusion of strategies in the indexes, and participating in roadmap governance. In the future, the DAO will introduce delegates, encouraging individuals to accumulate voting power and actively engage in the protocol's development. There is also the potential for a bribing market for inclusion in indexes.

Last updated

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